Friday, July 15, 2016

Instructions For Kemetic Ablutions / Purifications

Please note that these instructions are original in form to what was shared by Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. Any other variations of the instructions are not available here. Also Ka Nee Tah does not "initiate". Ka Nee Tah is an accessible resource to those who want to learn basic practices. What is being shared is not owned by one person or people and are viewed as tools to all of humanity. We do not endorse or support dogmatism or dishonest interests.  

The pre-requisite of ablutions is a bath or shower. It is important that the entire body is clean especially the genitals and all orifices of elimination. In many indigenous cultures the left hand is used to clean the genitals after elimination and touching unclean things, the right for eating, handling important items, greeting people, etc. The observation of this is still noted throughout many cultures today.

Once the bath or shower is completed ablutions is done. Ablutions can be done while in a shower (not in a bath) or can be done in an area aside from where Zem Zem or other ritual will be done. If doing ablutions outside of shower you will need a container to hold the water, a bucket or pail (if not outdoors), and somewhere to sit while you clean your feet, unless you are good enough to balance yourself standing.

The following is the prescription of ablution. Please pay mind to how the water is poured into the right hand and/or transitioned to the left hand. It is not poured directly into the left hand.

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em en Wsr.

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Heru

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Aishat

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Nu

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Shu

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Tefnoot

Pour a little water into right hand in order to wash the hands. Shake off water and say:
Em ren Geb

This method of cleaning each of the noted body parts are done in the same way calling in the name of 7 Divine Energies with each cleanse, as detailed above. It is done for the hands, the mouth, the nose (inside of), the ears, the face, the right armpit, the left armpit, the right foot and the left foot. 7 Divinities

Specific instructions for the remainder of ablutions follows:

Pour a little water into right hand and bring water to the mouth. Use the index finger to clean the mouth: tongue, mouth, teeth, etc. Be sure to clean all food debris totally from mouth. Spit out water & say:
Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, spit and say: Em ren Geb

Pour a little water into the right hand and bring water to nose & inhale slightly so that water comes to top of sinuses but do not go down all the way to the throat. Blow forcefully out of the nose while using thumb and index finger to clean nose of debris, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water off hand and say: Em ren Geb

Pour a little water into the right hand and pour half into the left and put into ears. Use both hands to clean each ear respectively. Shake excess water from hands and say: Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hands and say: Em ren Geb

Pour a little water into the right hand and use to clean face. Cleaning from the top of forehead at the hairline down to the chin. Be sure to give attention to the eyes and the & corners of the eyes. Shake excess water from hand and say: Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Geb


Pour a little water into the right hand and use to clean left armpit. Shake excess water from hand and say: Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Ged

Pour a little water into the right hand, transfer to the left hand and use to clean the right armpit. Shake excess water from hand and say:
Em ren  Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand and say: Em ren Geb

FEET Pour a little water into the right hand and use to clean right foot. With the feet you can also pour water over foot directly clean and shake and then say: Em ren Wsr

Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say Em ren Heru
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say: Em ren Aishat
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say: Em ren Nu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say: Em ren Shu
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say: Em ren Tefnoot
Repeat cleanse, shake water from hand/foot and say: Em ren Geb

Repeat above for left foot


Pour a little water into the right hand and use the right hand to wet the top of head starting at front hairline and dragging the hand back to the crown of the head.  Repeat this three times saying nothing. This movement can also be done using both hands at once.  (Wetting the scalp is very important).

Closing ablution
Wet the tip of the first three fingers on the right hand and then kiss the fingertips (touching water from fingertips to tip of tongue). Do this either three or seven times, follow by spitting off air of tip of tongue (same number of times used) and then recite:

Em ren heka-ooh ba-ee-ooh Neteroo

Say the first prayer. This is known as Ra's Prayer and is the first prayer/ spell learned by the one who wishes to take the path towards purity. It is a purification spell and is very powerful. However its power is increased when the person saying it is pure (after ablutions) and is following as many commandments as possible. This spell can be said in times when one feels threatened, worried, or in danger and wishes for the most harmonious results.

Nuk heka-oo pooey Ab em rey ee khat ee
Ra Neteru hree watee en Rey ee Nuk Ra ee-yah-oo
Nuk Ba fey heka-oo

1st Prayer - Ra's Prayer

Close the ablutions by placing the right fingertips at the middle of the hairline on the forehead and say: Em ren Wsr. Move the right fingertips to the left shoulder and say Em Ren Heru. Keeping the right hand in place take the left fingertips and place on the right shoulder and say Em ren Aishat.

Repeat this three times in all.

If you are interested in learning the purpose of ablutions and other things to be aware of please send us a message at

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