Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Instructions for Zem Zem

Please note that these instructions are original in form to what was shared by Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. Any other variations of the instructions are not available here. Also Ka Nee Tah does not "initiate". Ka Nee Tah is an accessible resource to those who want to learn basic practices. What is being shared is not owned by one person or people and are viewed as tools to all of humanity. We do not endorse or support dogmatism or dishonest interests.  

Zem Zem - Once you have designated a prayer space, prepared it through cleaning and any decoration of your choice this will be the space you enter after doing your ablutions.

Barka position - Once you enter this space you will take Position 1. The traditional name for Position 1 is Barka.

Second Prayer - the second prayer begins the ZemZem. Second Prayer
             Awoon Neter ee eyah hey oo tet sey mesu jesuf.
             Ready too em ibi ee en tee ba ga ee err Neter oo Neter Kooey
             Ew ee ha kooey em bik Neter ee
             Ab kooey
             Neter kooey
             Eeyah kooey
             Oozer kooey
             Ba kooey
             Woon fey Neter ma Neteroo em Neter gerr tet
             Eww fey Neter haat fey tem too
             Neter ee ooh ba ee em perr Seboot
             Neter ee fey ba ee mee Neteroo
             Neter, Neter ee hherper jesuf patoo

Zemzem positions -
After reciting the opening prayer, you are ready to start the zemzem positions. There are 7 zemzem positions in a cycle and there are 7 cycles defined by the chant which is done at each position. The chants are done for the second trinity and then the four elements. (Listen here for pronunciation)

These are done one at a time, seven times each. You will continue to sit in the first position, but change the position of your hands with each time you chant (seven times). The positions are as follows. The positions are done at significant energy points of the body:

With your hands make a pyramid on the floor using your index fingers and thumbs. - Chant the Em ren (Divinity's name) 

With you hands in prayer position at your sternum. - Chant Em ren

With your hands together in prayer but on the top of your head. - Chant Em Ren

Opening your hands into a pyramid/triangle on the top of your head. - Chant Em Ren       

With your hands in prayer position in front of your face ( thumbs touching your forehead) - Chant Em Ren                    

With your hands in prayer position at your sternum. - Chant Em Ren         
With both hands on each knee. - Chant Em Ren                   

You will chant...
1.) Em ren Wsr   (7x ;once in each position) 2.) Em ren Heru                                         
3.) Em ren Aishat                            
4.) Em ren Nu    
5.) Em ren Shu 
6.) Em ren Tefnoot
7.) Em ren Geb  

Lamentations - After finishing, the chanting it is time for you to begin your lamentations. This portion of you Zem zem is for communicating with your ancestors. To let them know what is going on in your life, any concerns that you may have, or wishes that you may want to make.

A.) To begin you first slowly turn your head to the left while breathing in. Then back to the center as you breathe out. Then to the right as you breathe in, and back to the center as you breathe out. This signifies that you recognize your ancestors are behind you and is a signal to your ancestors that you are ready to begin your lamentations. You then place your hands together in prayer position on the floor, then placing your head on top of your hands beginning your communication with your ancestors.

B.) When you have finished your lamentations you close it off by placing your finger tips to the floor then to your forehead three times (touching once to the floor then once to your head counting as one time). Coming up you then say " Em ren (the diety of your choice)".

Chanting - Next you will begin chants. First beginning with the First trinity of Uast, The First trinity of Hetptahka, and then the Second trinity of Ancestral Neteru. With these chants they need to be in sets of nine and each one will be done at least 27 times but any amount higher than that if you wish as long as you make sure it is a multiple of nine.

The rhythm and speed of the chant that suits the connection to the Divinity is an individual thing. Here are two samples, Chant Sample 1 ; Chant Sample 2

Neter Hent Uast - First Trinity of Thebes
Ib Ra Hema      (27x)
Ib Imen Hema  (27x)
Ib Ptah Hema   (27x)

Neter Hent Hetptahka - First Trinity of Memphis
Ib Knuoun Hema (27x)
Ib Emsu Hema  (27x)
Ib Tem Hema     (27x)

Neter Werr - The Ancestral Neteru
Kheper Hekau Wsr Hema   (27x)
Kheper Hekau Heru Hema  (27x)
Kheper Hekau Aishat Hema (27x)

(Chant Pronunciations)

This concludes the chanting of the regular ZemZem. After you finish the chanting, you can take this time in your ZemZem to either meditate or practice any Ka'at Ibi that you have learned.

Closing Prayer - You close out your ZemZem the same way you close out  your spiritual purifications. Recite the closing prayer.

First Prayer - Ra's Prayer - 1st Prayer

           Nuk heka oo pooey
           Ab em rayee haat ee
           Ra Neteru here waat ee emm rey ee
           Nuk Ra eyah oo
           Nuk ba fey heaku

Closing - After the closing prayer you then say....

Em ren Wsr, while placing your right hand on your forehead.

Em ren Heru, while then placing your right hand on your left shoulder and leaving it there

Em ren Aishat, while placing your left hand on your right shoulder.

         You are to repeat this 3x.

Days of Rest - Zemzem is done every day except for days of rest. However, ablutions are done even on days of rest. Next we will discuss more of the calendar, the holy days and the different additions or alterations of the zemzem according on the days.

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